More birthday wishes!

K was in town this weekend and I had the great opportunity to capture her daughter "L" - she is turning 2 years old! She has the most beautiful ocean blue eyes and a smile that makes your heart melt! Her Auntie D joined us too - we had such a fun time :O)!

Here is a sneak peek for you K! You will be able to view more images via the "client proofing" section on my website. Enjoy!

Whew! Look at this hot Momma! This mother & daughter pair are stunning together! Don't you just love the silver sparkle shoes ;)

Hope you all enjoyed the session as much as I did! D thanks again for all your help :O)!

Life's Little Graces Photography. Life Captured - fresh, modern, beautiful, real.


All images copyright 2007-2012 Lifes Little Graces Photography